Friday, 5 December 2008

Accessible LEARNing

Clear Learning is launching a new way to purchase online courses.  We now have packages available through selected retailers throughout the United Kingdom.

Our LEARN series is made up of five unique packages, that encorporate both business and personal training courses.

The packages available are:

  • Microsoft Technical – includes Microsoft courses such as MCSA, MCSD, and MCSE.
  • Business Skills – including Business Ethics, Customer Service, Fundamentals of Business Management, Negotiating, and Stress Management.
  • ECDL – The European Computer Driving Licence has 7 modules, including: IT Concepts, Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Databases.
  • Desktop Computing – this features Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word, along with Lotus Notes and Quickbooks.
  • Web Development – with DreamWeaver, Flash, Java, Photoshop, PHP, and XML.

We want our courses to be accessible to everyone, including the High Street shopper and LEARN is the perfect way to do this.  Visit Clear Learning for more info.